Barcelona, Spain
October 08-10, 2024


CHART (Participants / Countries)
All participants (47)Only participants fully registered (payment processed) will appear listed below
Last Name First Name Institution Country
Adamantopoulos Theodoros Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Germany
Berns Rutger Radboud University The Netherlands
Bilyk Vladislav Radboud University The Netherlands
Blank Thomas Radboud University The Netherlands
Bokor Jeffrey Berkeley USA
Buzdakov Aleksandr Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy
Chantrell Roy University of York UK
Chubykalo-Fesenko Oksana Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC Spain
Ciccarelli Chiara Cambridge University UK
Correia Antonio Phantoms Foundation Spain
de Wit M.L.G. Radboud University The Netherlands
Dewhurst John Kay Max Planck Institute Germany
Finocchio Giovanni Unime Italy
Gareev Timur Radboud University The Netherlands
Gavriloaea Paul CSIC Spain
Hegstad Torstein Radboud University The Netherlands
Hintermayr Julian Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands
Ju Ganping Seagate USA
Khusyainov Dinar Radboud University The Netherlands
Kimel Alexey V. Radboud University The Netherlands
Koopmans Bert TU/e The Netherlands
Kosters Dominique Radboud University The Netherlands
Lin Jun-Xiao Université de Lorraine / CNRS France
Mangin Stephane University Lorraine France
Mentink Johan Radboud University The Netherlands
Metzger Thomas Radboud University The Netherlands
Mikhaylovskiy Rostislav Lancaster University UK
Mokrousov Yuriy FZ-Juelich Germany
Moreno Julian Seagate Technology Ireland UK
Mukhanov Oleg SEEQC USA
Na MengXing Radboud University The Netherlands
Nava Antonio Guillermo University of Cambridge UK
Nowak Lukáš University of Bialystok Poland
Parkin Stuart MPI Halle Germany
Prejbeanu Lucian SPINTEC France
Rasing Theo Radboud University The Netherlands
Roldan Jose Luis Phantoms Foundation Spain
Ross Jackson York University UK
Rout Pradeep Kumar University of Regensburg Germany
Schultheiss Katrin Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) Germany
Sharma Sangeeta Max Born Institute and FU Germany
Smejkal Libor University of Mainz Germany
Sousa Ricardo CEA France
Stupakiewicz Andrzej University of Bialystok Poland
Titov Mikhail Radboud University The Netherlands
Vosmar Hein Radboud University The Netherlands
Vovk Mykola Lancaster University UK
Only participants fully registered (payment processed) will appear listed below 
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